"Myth or reality" by John l. Esposito

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
In the world many people in America see Islamic and western governments as opposite sides of a political collision course. The book Islamic Threat, Myth or reality by, written by John l. Esposito, and published in 1992 by The Oxford University Press, mainly discussed Middle Eastern history and many misconceptions that have and can lead to future problems. The Middle Eastern history discussed in this book is very accurate in compassion to the course. One of …

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…course. In summary The Islamic Threat, Myth or Reality contains accurate historical elements about the Middle East and many of the author's feelings towards the situations that arose concerning Islamic Fundamentalists. I feel that the author is sympathetic towards the misrepresented part of the Islamic practicing community of the Middle East. Despite the author's apparent sympathy I feel he does a good job of giving an unbiased account of the events discussed in this book.