Mysts of Avalon: Character Anlysis, Polt Summary, General Anlysis, and Alternate Ending

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Characters Morgaine The novel is as told by Morgaine through her reminiscing narrative. She is a sorceress who undergoes many changes, but is victorious and in the end, much wiser. Viviane Viviane is the Lady of the Lake, the high priestess of Avalon, and is responsible for carrying out the will of the Goddess. She wishes to find a king to unify Britain who would be loyal to God and the Goddess, but is ultimately …

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…The novel needed more action and less romance. The way the novel ended was too depressing, it lacked a strong finish. It ended in a way that leaves no room for a sequel. With my ending, the sequel can be an action packed adventure. The old ending also made it so that Morgaine's quest failed. My ending leaves it as an open forum so her quest might be finished and the Goddess could live on.