"Mystery of Heroism" vs. "Speaking of Courage"

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Essay Database > Literature
What is courage? What is it that makes a hero? These are a few questions that are presented by the main character Paul in "Speaking of Courage", and Fred Collins in Mystery of Heroism. Paul and Collins were in different wars, different times, different places, but war is still war and tortures a man for the rest of his life. They saw their friends get killed right in front of them. Men became machines and …

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…so, even though he went back, he originally wasn't planning to do so. Recognition is overrated. Paul doesn't get any recognition for his courage and Collins gets recognized as a hero when he was a coward. They only person they need to impress is themselves, they know what they have accomplished or failed to accomplish. They shouldn't have to play a charade for the entertainment of an audience, but be happy with what they got.