My understanding of Emily Dickinson.

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My understanding of Emily Dickinson Nanshifeng Astract: Why Emily Dickinon is regarded as one of the greatest American poets after her death? One of the most important reasons is that she created her own unique verse form which makes a departure from the traditional poetry of her period and it seems she doesn't fit to any particular group but to herself. Key words: technique, particularity, formality, imagery and figurative language. Although Emily Dickinson was a …

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…means "tomb". Through her universe use of symbols, the speaker comprehends that death like the "Horses Heads", leads " toward Eternity". To sum up, Emily Dickinson seems to be wholly original and developed her own poetic form with many peculiar features. These not only make her poetry sent forth a unique charming along with her keen observation, originality, imagination in the poetry garden but remains as an invaluable reference for the study of modernism of poetry.