My philosophy of human nature

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The "fight" or "flight" response is supposed to be a quality of only lower animals. Humans are rational beings, supposedly, and do not mindlessly attack or run and hide when threatened. Or do they? Forty years ago, the families in my neighbourhood behaved like animals when they brutalized an immigrant family trying to join the community. Faced with the "unknown", in the form of a family with Muslim background and cultures, they responded with fear …

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…careful observations is that a man's a creature on a tightrope, walking delicately, terrified that at any moment he will plummet into the abyss without a trace. It is on this tightrope that a human being can fall either onto the side of good or evil. Late at night, sitting in the dark, I think about the Muhammads, and I think about my own journey: walking delicately on the tightrope of what we call life.