My favourite city.

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Tourism
Many people have their favourite city. I also have my favourite one. It's called Aberystwyth. It's on the west coast of Wales. It isn't big. I was there two years ago. The city is small but very nice. Most part of the town is very old and has got many historical buildings, for example the ruins of the castle or the Local Folk Museum. The most interesting and attractive place in the whole town is …

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…very often and washing it and it still looks like new. It isn't an industrial city, so the air is very clean and if you want to keep fit you can go jogging on the promenade every day. But the best time for that is in the evening because then you can also admire the sunset and meet a lot of interesting people. If you want to go somewhere for your holidays, go to Aberystwyth.