My essay,"What an Animal", uses Rick Bass's "Antlers" to exemplify humanities denial and loss of it's primal roots, and the confusion that results from interaction with the last vestiges of animal instinct.

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My essay,"What an Animal", uses Rick Bass's "Antlers" to exemplify humanities denial and loss of it's primal roots, and the confusion that results from interaction with the last vestiges of animal instinct. At some point in history humankind invented the notion that we are separate or even superior to rest of the animal kingdom. For centuries since, humankind has denied our nature in an attempt to prove this theory. It is now considered unthinkable …

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…human nature to fear and attack that which is not fully understood, even if it is a natural part of human life. Randy follows his instincts because in his heart he knows it is natural. This frightens the others. But it is a truth that man can no longer ignore. Works Cited Bass, Rick. "Antlers." Reading Literature and Writing Argument. Eds. Missy James and Alan P. Merickel. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002. 223-230.