My essay is about masculinity in the Iliad and how gender roles in turn cause a "war versus oneself" (the title)

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The War Versus Oneself During the time period in which the Iliad took place there was a great emphasis put on masculinity. Five specific qualities were required to obtain the venerable title of a hero. Firstly, one must be born unto noble birth. For instance, a man born from the social status of a servant would cause the man to be immediately looked down on for his rankings among his higher status social counterparts. Secondly, …

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…of masculinity. The reasons for his return had nothing to do with Agamemnon. In contrast, Achilles desire to come back and fight was found from within. After the war is over will the fighting come to a stop? Yes, maybe it will come to and end in terms of the two cities but, the struggle to conform to the code will be a boundless struggle that each individual will have to face on his own.