My Trip to Brazil

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Last summer I was invited to play soccer in Brazil, an experience of a lifetime. I traveled alone leaving La Guardia airport in New York, making connections in Miami, Sao Paulo and finally arriving in the cit of Natal, Brazil 20 hours later. There I trained with the professional soccer team, America F.C. The Brazilian natives could not have been any nicer or friendlier. This was an experience that I would never forget. Since I …

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…the best of it. Pele has no parents, or possessions, but he is the happiest child I have ever encountered. Interestingly my summer tip to Brail was intended to improve my soccer skills, but ultimately I learned about the country itself, about its culture and forming strong bonds with many Brazilians who share a passion with me, SOCCER. Along the way, I now realize how much I have grown up and learned more about myself.