My Summary for "To Kill A Mocking Bird" (6th grade) - Attached orginal doc

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Scout Finch, almost six years old, her brother Jem, four years older, and their friend Dill, spend their summer thinking of ways to lure Boo Radly from his house. The next summer Dill returns. Rolling inside a runaway tire, Scout accidentally slammed into the Radly porch. She heard laughing inside as she recovered and ran. Scout and Jem began hearing their father called a, "nigger-lover," around town, for defending a black man, Tom Robinson. Atticus, …

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…James Horton' in the real trials. Harper Lee, even though her only novel was, "To Kill A Mockingbird," she also wrote several essays that had got published in magazines. These essays that I read, were very similar to the style she had used in the novel. The essays had the same sympathetic style as the novel she wrote. I noticed her style on her novel, and they were similar to the essays she wrote too.