My Political Views

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
My Political Views I consider myself to be a moderate to strong republican. It took me a long time to realize what degree I was. Most people know what party they are but few know how strong their beliefs are. After looking at the republican platform and comparing my views on the issues, which are: gun control, immigration, national language, capital punishment, and welfare reform; I found out that I am a much stronger republican …

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…make us work for ourselves. We need to cut down on the amount of governmental intervention. The general population is smart enough to get along by itself. We do not need to baby sit the general public. To make America thrive again, we need to cut welfare, reinstate capital punishment, stop illegal immigration, and lower the amount of legal immigrants that are granted citizenship. If these things are done, the United States will thrive again.