"My Place" - Sally Morgan(study notes) Australian Ab. Lit.

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Sally Morgan was born in the Perth suburb of Manning in 1951. Despite her disinterest in school (1) and the lack of appreciation of her artistic talents, she completed secondary school and went on to the University of Western Australia. She gained a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psychology and completed post-graduate diplomas in Counselling and Computing and Library Studies. While at the University she married Paul Morgan and had three children. Prompted by the discovery …

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…how to talk about writing that explores Aboriginal history within white settler culture. In the final analysis Morgan has written a collective history which counters the silence of official history about important aspects of race relations in Australia, and as such has taken an important step forward in confronting the public embarrassment and private shame from that part of Australia's colonialist history, a history in which the personal and the political cannot be easily separated.