My Neighbours

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Essay Database > Literature > English
MY NEIGHBOURS Neighbours are those people who stay near my home. Most of my neighbours are come from many different countries. To the right side of my home is the home of the Kiangs. To the left side is the home of the Lams, and in the front is the home of the Grants. When my family arrived in their community, I used to think that they were best friend of my family. After living …

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…him. In conclusion, these three groups of neighbors such as concentrate on study, deal with creative ventures, and organize; systematic, understandable give me good choice to have our house among good people. It is indeed a blessing to have good, courteous, neighbours. Otherwise it will lead to misunderstanding and endless quarrels. I am happy because I have good neighbours. In conclusion, I have a good neighborhood. That the I choose to live near my neighborhood.