My Mathematics Philosophy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Mathematics
My Mathematics Philosophy <Tab/>How did you get that answer? Why? Can you get the same answer another way? These are important questions for all math educators to ask. I believe that encouraging autonomy is one of the most important things that a teacher can do. According to Piaget, the aim of education must be to develop the child's autonomy, which is indissociably social, moral, and intellectual (Kamii, 21). Without autonomous learners, …

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…do. I plan to attend seminars, conferences, workshops, and perhaps classes to keep my teaching techniques up to date. <Tab/>In conclusion, my class as a whole will learn to be autonomous. I will incorporate the principles and standards of NCTM to assure my students are on the track to success. My students will feel comfortable in the classroom environment and be free to explore the many interesting aspects of mathematics.