My Little Holocaust

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Note: This original fiction is partly based on the infamous My Lai Massacre that occured during the Vietnam War. It goes behind the whole mentality of having to shoot a non-combatant, and what those American GIs were thinking when it happened. Of course this is nothing compared to actually being a part of the traumatic event. Any characters in this story are completely fictional along with their thoughts. Enjoy... As I stared down from above …

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…for the trigger of my rifle. Should I shoot, and face a lifetime of guilt and regret, or refuse, and face a lifetime of shame and humiliation? It seems impossible to make the "right" choice. I hear the Sergeant yell, "Fire," and most of the men do. I pull the trigger, and in that one split second, I could feel the world flash before my eyes CLICK. "I've done it," I thought to myself. Bang