My Learning Stories.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Standing in the middle of the happiest place on earth, surrounded by cheerful Cast members and mesmerized tourists, I was miserable. Forcing the famous Disney smile, I pointed a Brazilian tour guide in the right direction, watching her attempt to herd twenty-five teenagers toward the African Village. "Someone as miserable as me," I thought to myself as I watch one of the boys grab her rear. My partner at the Tree of Life entrance was …

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…important lesson I learned is from Disney. I am extremely ambitious, and channeled properly, I can accomplish anything. I have proven this throughout my life, from my survival of first grade to my willingness to leave a safe life style at Disney and attempt to go back to School. Using my ambitions and these insights, I should have no difficulties in achieving my goal of a Bachelor's degree from De Paul School of New Learning.