My Intention toward Medical School

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The rehabilitation clinic of Dr. S. seems empty and busy at the same time. On my first day there, after being introduced to the working staff I was allowed to follow Dr. S. around as he goes to visit his patients. Upon the first patient, Dr. S. told me to go talk to his patient while he finishes up with Susan paperwork. I met Susan, a healthy looking woman who was recovering from back problem …

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…trying to find the pulse of the brachial artery, and willing my hands to have the same competence as Dr. S. Subsequent to following Dr. S.'s around, I went into research, I switched my major from Chemistry to Chemical Engineering, and I worked in Nationwide Komatsu Forklift. My experience reconfirmed medicine was the only field that offers a lifetime opportunities for personal growth and a career that will always have a minute to comfort.