My Impressions of Politics in Italy

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
My Impressions of Politics in Italy Before examining the government of a country, there first has to be an understanding of the history and culture of the land. The Italian nation is relatively new term, still not quite understood by even those living in Italy. Historically, jutting out into the Mediterranean, Italy has been a very important checkpoint for supplies being trafficked across this Sea. Because of it's geographical importance it has seen and been …

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…other then Mafia rule are ineffective and do little for the country. Perhaps, however, over time Italy may be able to do away with its present system and embrace a government that can operate without the use of coalitions. Until that day Italy is faced with having a duel political system. In this system, policies are based solely on the values and beliefs of the most powerful individual, he who has the largest bank account.