My Grandma

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Essay Database > History
It was sixteen years ago when she was stubbornly determined to carry her only child on that tiny, crowded boat of about 50 people, out to the dark endless sea to escape to the land of opportunity. Sacrificing to leave behind her family, her friends, the well-run business she created with her own two hands, she decided to go to the United States to begin a new life. The risks and the sightless long journey ahead …

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…|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A>, and whatever else she could in the beginning. I've always thought she trying to give back the opportunity she was given. <Tab/>Even now, regardless of her stubbornness, strictness as she gets older cannot outweigh her passionate nature, ambitions, hard work and compassion for others. My father is very proud of my grandma and so am I.