My Grandfather

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
My grandfather was a man of great ambition and desire. He knew that to gain the opportunities needed for his family, he had to move to Canada. In 1955, on a ship packed with eager Italian immigrants just like him, he was finally making the voyage that he had always dreamed. During the grueling ship ride, he had found something he didn't see much of growing up poor in the small town of Segusta, Sicily. What …

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…world. He gave me the precious heirloom less than a year before his death, and every time I look at the coin it brings back great memories. We would always play cards and I would always win. I don't remember the game we would play or whether or not he let me win, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was the time we spent together, and because of the coin, I will always remember.