My First Trip to Kart World

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Best Birthday Ever My first trip to Kart World was when I was twelve years old. I was with my friends and my older brother. I chose to go there because it was my birthday and I had the choice to go wherever I wanted to go. When we got there, there were a lot of people waiting in line. I was very anxious to ride those go-karts. I waited fifteen minutes before I got …

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…that he never laughed so hard in his entire life. My twelfth birthday was my favorite birthday ever. It was so exciting riding those go-karts and wrecking them. When I got kicked out with one of my friends, I got grounded for a week by my mom. My brother went back there and said they had my picture up on the wall, so basically I am banned for life. I stick to put-put now days.