My Family, Mi Familia

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
"My Family, Mi Familia," the first big mainstream film by and about Mexican-Americans in all our diversity. This is a chronicle of one family over three generations, from its origins in Mexico and parts of the U.S. that earlier belonged to Mexico, through the immigrant experience and that of first and second generation Chicano/as in Los Angeles from the 1920s to the present. This film was written, directed, and acted by filmmakers who …

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…she cajoles brother Jimmy into marrying a Salvadoran woman who's about to be sent home, probably to her death. This is a marriage of convenience that Jimmy does not, at first, take seriously, but the journey of self-exploration and healing that it starts in motion undoubtedly saves Jimmy's life as well. "My Family, Mi Familia" is as beautiful and meaningful a cinematic landmark for Chicano/as as "Daughters of the Dust" is for African Americans.