"My Enemy, the Stranger" References to Thomas Hardy's " The Man He Killed"

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Essay Database > Literature
In a time of increased tensions in our global society, imminent war is seen as an ever present reality. While this may be the case, it is prevalent for societies around the world to ask the daunting questions. Who is really the enemy? Who are we really hurting with war? These questions are for the most part neglected throughout the civilized world as ego and/or politics seems to have been put on a grander …

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…The message percived from this poem is that the "glory of war" nor "human purpose"is not reason enough to decide to make an enemy out of a stranger. As we procceed in this time of higtened tensions, may we never forget the affect of war on the soldiers in the battlefield. May we never base our decisions to risk human lives on politics and ego. For perserving human life should be the main objective.