My Country Is At War With Palestine October 20, 2003.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Most US citizens, if asked, would be surprised to learn that their country is at war with the country of Palestine. They wouldn't be aware that Palestine is a country. They've heard of the West Bank and Gaza, not as parts of Palestine, but as territories where Palestinians live, which Israel occupies. They assume the territories were never part of any country and that it is natural for Israel to occupy them. US citizens haven't …

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…impossible not to see the enormity of US imperialism. The question for US citizens now is, once you have been delivered of your ignorance, what will you do? Will you defend those whom your country has harmed who have come to tell you the tale? (The Amer Jubran Defense Committee can be reached at A campaign is underway to amass support at his November 6, 2003 trial at the JFK Federal Building in Boston.)