"My Antonia" by Willa Cather and the American Dream. Assignment was to write an essay about the American Dream that uses "My Antonia" as an example

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The American society frequents the term "American Dream" in its writings at speeches. Willa Cather based her My Antonia on the American Dream. Many Americans have achieved it - the Chairman of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, being one. There is no denying that the American Dream is achievable, but is it possible for immigrants to achieve it? Analyzing My Antonia and its characters helped to reach a conclusion that the American Dream, also known as success, …

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…Now, he is the founder and Chairman of the world's largest coffeehouse. Many of my Antonia's immigrant characters started out the same - poor and uneducated - but eventually they lived their ambitions - a wonderful family for Antonia, a feeling of independence for Lena, and massive fortunes for Tiny. Willa Cather's My Antonia proves that America is truly the "Land of Opportunity" and achieving success in America is possible regardless of one's naturalization state.