"My Antonia" and the theme "strength of women"

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In My Antonia by Willa Cather, Antonia Shimerda faces the hardships of living a rural lifestyle while maintaining her independence and vigor for life. Though challenged with her immigration, her father's suicide, and the lack of women rights of her time and many other obstacles, she embodies the theme "The Strength of Women". Through the eyes of Jim Burden, Antonia's struggles and trials exhibit her immense gusto. Antonia expresses strengths that women are not portrayed …

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…does not see her child as a burden but loves it and is proud of her gift. Women throughout history have been single mothers and harassed. Antonia has been through it all and yet she manages to keep her vivacious self. Antonia shows that there's no need to be have the strength of a man to be a strong woman but rather posses a balance of physical and mental strength. Antonia is a strong woman.