My Antonia Book Report

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
William Cather showed a great amount of information about the "old wild west" and the expansion of the United States. In My Antonia, Jim Burden told a story of his childhood, the people in his life, and the struggles he and his surroundings faced during this time. At age ten, Jim Burden was sent by his relatives to be raised by his grandparents in the Nebraska prairie after his parents died. When he arrived at …

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…and struggled to survive on what they had. They were tricked into buying expensive items and land and were treated as minors. The different amount of languages spoken also made it extremely difficult to communicate with others. Women were treated disrespectfully as well. The men took advantage of them and they were put to work that was very hard to handle. Life for people at this time was not as easy as it is today.