My America

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Jenny Maguire English - Americas 2/1/2002 <Tab/>The proud citizen is completely convinced of her/his right to attainment. The green land of opportunity has lasted in the American mindset for centuries, not fading with time, but hungrily increasing as the resources that feed this hunger steadily dwindle. Our America today is filled with blindness, arrogance, and greed. As we advance technologically, intellectually, and socially, we forget to readjust ourselves and our …

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…advantage of many freedoms and opportunities I would not otherwise have if I did not live in America. I believe very strongly that there is hope to fixing the inconsistencies embedded within our America. It can never become perfect, nor should it; it can only become more fair. As long as people open their minds and increase their awareness of the environment around them, there is always hope. Recognition is the first step to Change.