Mussolini's Rise To Power

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Essay Database > History
It is correct to claim that Mussolini's rise to power in 1922 was aided both by conditions in post war Italy and the threat that the fascists would use violence to seize power. At the start of World War I Italy remained neutral however after the Treaty of London was signed she joined the war on the side of the Allies as she was promised land. Her involvement in the war proved to be disastrous as …

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…were to keep power Victor Emmanuel III feared a civil war and so refused to proclaim it. When Mussolini was summoned to the king he refused to leave Milan or call of the march unless he was given premiership. He was therefore made Prime Minister on the 29th October 1922 and granted dictatorial powers for one year. The conditions in post war Italy and the threat of Fascist violence aided greatly in Mussolini's rise to power.