Muslim Immigration, European Security, and the Rise of Xenophobia in the EU

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
The questions surrounding Islam, with regards to both international security as well as its rise and presence in global society, prove to be some of the most difficult in our world today. Arguably, the debate is even more controversial in Europe, where a variant of Samuel P. Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" thesis may be manifesting itself within the realms of European sociopolitical consciousness. As it nears completion of a Constitution which will bind together all …

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…has also been widely suggested that the media and various political bodies should increase the voice and presence of Muslims in the public sphere, as often Muslim popular opinion is only consulted with regards to negative events and thus perpetuates the detrimental stereotypes about Islam. Only once the European Muslim community is given just representation and equal rights under the law can the Union safely pursue those who seek to use Islam as a weapon.