Musical Influence

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The note that music plays in our everyday life is not thought of on a regular basis. Some people may never ever think about how music can effect our moods, our thoughts or our temperaments. Music can make one feel happy, sad, reflective, angry, passionate, foolish and spiritual. I don't believe that there is a human emotion that can not be effected or altered by music. There are a lot of people who believe that …

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…opposite of another's interpretations. These samples that I've used do not even begin to breech the tip of the iceberg of what is out there; they are songs that come to mind, along with numerous others. My hope of writing this essay is that you will look at music a little differently and have a deeper respect of the poets that have penned the words that influence of the joys and sorrows of our lives.