Musical Hormones

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Musical Hormones Music has well established psychological effects, including the induction and modification of cognitive states, moods and emotions. Were it not so, then marches would be played as readily at bedtime as at the half time of football games, dirges would grace weddings, lullabies would be heard at parades and Gregorian chant would bombard our ears in supermarkets. Many people think that psychology is one thing but physiology is another thing. There is the …

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…and affective responses to graded treadmill exercise in trained and untrained runners. International J. Psychophysiology, 19(3): 193 201. 6 VanderArk, S.D. and Ely, D. (1992). Biochemical and galvanic skin responses to music stimuli by college students in biology and music. Percept. Motor Skills 74, 1079 1090. 7 VanderArk, S.D. and Ely, D. (1993). Cortisol, biochemical, and galvanic skin responses to music stimuli of different preference values by college students in biology and music. Percept. Motor Skills 77, 227 234