Music report

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There are many different musical genres ranging from the soft sounds of classical music, to the loud bangs of punk and rock, to the upbeat energetic notes of dance music. There is a type of music for everybody. No one could every say there is not any type of music that they would enjoy listening to. The musical event that this paper will be written on involves one of the oldest forms of music, classical …

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…several other small pieces throughout the performances. The various composers made the show very diverse and entertaining. The concert consisted of humorous types of classical music. It exposed many different ideas of classical music. Works Cited Haydn, Franz Joseph Compton's Encyclopedia Online, 1999. 30 March 1999<http://comptonsv3. Music, Classical Compton's Encyclopedia Online, 1999. 30 March 1999<http://comptonsv3. Mozart, Wolfgang Compton's Encyclopedia Online, 1999. 30 March 1999<http://comptonsv3. Classical Music, 2Worldbook Encyclopedia, Vol., 1988