Music report

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
That was my first time attends a concert. I went to the concert in Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College. It was a great experience for me to listening that fabulous music. There were three people performed at the concert. A vocalist named Dawn Zahralban (soprano), a pianist Anderson Brenner and a flutist Chrissy Fong. Although Chrissy only played for one song her performance left the audience wanting more and I wish I could …

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…rather quickly. This experience was new to me. I thought that it was a very wonderful performance. I can see from the look of the performers that they had been practicing this over and over and made the best effort even though it was just for a small audience. I enjoyed this experience a lot. I only wished it had been played more. I hope to be able to attend more concerts in the future.