Music is purely for relaxation. Do you agree?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music is purely for relaxation. Do you agree? I agree to a certain extent. The primary purpose of music is for relaxation. Yet, there are many other types of music that does the opposite. The types of music include, dance music, religious music, spiritual music, ethnic music, children music, Baroque music, classical music and many others. These different types of music have various purposes. Each type of music will invoke different moods in the listeners. …

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…is produced once in a while, the latest being Rap music. Although it is popular among teens, it may be considered as noise to the adults. Rap music is actually a mixture of Pop music and talking. It may be a form of relaxation to the teenagers but it can also generate anger among them. From all the music mentioned, I can conclude that music is not solely for relaxation, and serves other purposes too.