Music in Society Project: Christina Aguilera

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Music in Society Project Christina Aguilera was born on December 18, 1980 in Staten Island, NY. She first began performing at talent shows at the age of six. At eight, she was on the show Star Search, where she was the runner-up. When she was ten, she sang the National Anthem for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins and two years later she joined the cast of The Mickey Mouse Club. After the show ended two years later, …

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…the music that they listen to and not take it seriously. Works Cited Page "Christina Aguilera Biography" 28 January 2004 <> "Stripped Introduction" 28 January 2004 <> "Can't Hold Us Down" 28 January 2004 <> Tirella, Joe. "The Most Shocking Stars of the Year." Star Magazine, January 6, 2004, pages 37-42 "Christina Aguilera Pictures" < > <>