Music in Different Worlds

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music has always been a part of Cambodia. The life styles were limited, among these musicians, there were the Khmer rouge, full time labor workers, and politicians. A large percentage of Cambodians were forced into poverty and underpaid jobs. Their lives were constantly troubled by daily escapes from robbers, guerrillas, and powerful armies that disagrees with the laws of the country. The Khmer rouge, former guerrillas and the most powerful army that had ever opposed …

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…time for him to depart. 1986, a year of grief and departure, he gathered his wife and sons and made his way to a new world. A new music experience and a new way of life, looking at the photographs of past remnants, reminiscing of the 'music in different worlds'. A past that was never reborn or relived and hopes it remains unforgiven and stays stored away in his music, for which his music still remains.