Music and the Columbine Traged

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Music, Society, and the Columbine High School Tragedy By Adam Salomon Violence, it is the last resort of the oppressed. Since biblical times, it has also played the lead role in many events, starting with the murder of Abel by Cain. Religious wars, that still exist to this day, have broken out across the world due to oppression. The act of showing furious outrage has become part of the human nature, yet it has drawn …

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…can live as one in a peaceful environment. Special Thanks To: Vince Bossio of Bone Orchard Tim Bream of Moral Anxiety John Bruno of X Factor X Jim Dixon of Jaysinn of Crush Eric Johns of Simple Aggression Gerri Miller of Metal Edge Pete Mould of Vicious Circle Ted Nugent for his published commentaries Joe Paciolla of Enertia Alan Paul of Guitar World Bill Smith of Hevy Reign Kimberly Wood of Soul Destruction