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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
"A nation that allows music to be expendable is in danger of becoming expendable itself," said Richard Dreyfuss during the Grammy Awards broadcast on the 28th of February (National Coalition for music Education 14). This is a very interesting statement because it involves something that is related to everyone -- school curriculum. When school budgets have to be cut, the music classes are usually the first ones to be removed. Ironically, music is one of the …

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…experience all the wonderful things music has to offer, and skills, talents, and dreams are wasted. As Michael Mark summed it up, "Living life to the fullest suggests providing an environment for acquiring the skills needed for creative living. Creativity is latent in the human at birth. The environment of the child can stimulate or suppress its development. It is the school's responsibility to establish an environment that encourages creativity and provides outlets for it" (46).