Muriel's wedding critical analysis

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
In Muriel's wedding, the perception of comedian has soon arrived into a melodrama derived by P.J Hogan, as the film covers the low self-esteem Muriel in breaking through the bondages around her family and friends, trespassing from suburban to civilisation. Muriel begins the film as an overweight loser from Queensland, a woman trapped by a dysfunctional family, an apathetic neighbourhood, and a clique of beautiful "best friends." The movie opens with a shot of …

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…really owns this picture completely. Whenever the plastic supporting cast is the main focus, the film falls flat. A tacked-on, bittersweet ending doesn't help, either. Reference 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)'sWedding.htm