Murder of Andrew Jackson

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Essay Database > History
For the past few weeks America has been at unease due to the shocking and unexpected murder of our beloved President Andrew Jackson. Since that tragic day in late February of 1837 one question has been engulfing the minds of every man woman and child in this nation, who did it? And why did they do it? Top police investigation forces have been working around the clock in a frantic effort to expose the unknown assassin. …

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…of cold-blooded murder in the first degree. Now that my case has been presented and the facts have been set straight, the guilty assassin John C, Calhoun is still at large and must be brought to justice. The capture and sentencing of Calhoun must be used to show the public that America will not tolerate such treachery, and make sure that such a tragic occurrence will never abate the well being of this nation again.