Multiple Intelligences.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Art and Culture
In 1983, Howard Gardner introduced his Theory of Multiple Intelligence in his book "Frames of Mind." Through his work as a professor and a psychologist, Gardner suggested that intelligence was not a single attribute that could be measured and given a number. In his book he pointed out that IQ tests measure verbal, logical-mathematical, and some special intelligence. But Gardner believed that there were many other kinds of intelligences that are also important factors in human …

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…Gordon Shaw and Frances Rauscher conducted a study that first capitulated research on music and learning. By using a group of eighty four college students, they showed that listening to a Mozart piano sonata for ten minutes improves the student's spatial-temporal reasoning skills, their ability to form mental images from physical objects or to see patterns in space and time. But the students improved abilities faded within an hour. In 1994 this idea was tested again.