Multimedia technology

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Hardware Components of Video Still Images A graphic can be stored as a bitmap, or as a vector image. For multimedia purposes, the majority of uses are filled by bitmap images. Bitmaps A bitmapped image is one in which every pixel on the screen or in the image is mapped to a bit of data. With a monochrome picture there is a direct correlation between the number of screen pixels and the number of bits …

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…Contents Hardware Components of Video 1 Still Images 1 Bitmaps 1 Vectors 1 Graphic File Formats 1 GIF 1 BMP 2 JPEG 2 Full-Motion Video 2 Video File Formats 3 AVI 3 QuickTime 3 MPEG 3 Video storage 3 Compression 4 Intraframe 4 Interframe 4 CODECS 5 Playback systems 5 Software CODECs 5 Hardware CODECs 5 Playing Back MPEG 5 MPEG and CD-I 6 Hardware Components of Audio 6 The Physics of Sound 6 Sampling and Recording 7 Components 8 Audio Storage & Compression 9 Multimedia Software 10 Special Effects 10 Animation 10 Warping 11 Morphing 11 Multimedia Presentations 12 Linear 12 Interactive 12 Presentation Facilities 12 Buttons 12 Events 13 Control structures 13 Multimedia Problems 13