Multiculturalism in Australia: who needs it?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
John Howard's draft for the proposed preamble to the Constitution during the 1999 referendum for a republic included this line: "The Australian nation is woven together of people from many ancestries and arrivals". Indeed, all the authors of the other drafts sought to include some mention of an Australia made up of people from different cultures and to have that enshrined in the new preamble to the Constitution. On the face of it, this would appear …

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…the people and for the nation. It must be emphasised that as "each generation ... move[s] closer to the American dream", so does society move away from the multicultural dream. Assimilation through education is the way to a viable and stable society. Multiculturalism, a politically correct title and policy which conceals the its true nature, is therefore not needed. Especially so in a country that can not even effectively maintain the culture of its natives.