Multiculturalism, Individualis

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Mauritius and Modes of Inter-ethnic Compromise Mauritius is one of the polyethnic countries that has the most peaceful and stable democratic.Basically the concept of the multicultural country is based on the balance between the difference and the equality and, most importantly, something that every citizens shares(compromises) together, in this sense, 'Inter-ethnic Compromise'. I now would like to explain this kind of function in Mauritius, which I believe it is one of the most …

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…the all individual in the country. Usually in common sense of ordinary people, we tend to distinguish one country from another country by its cultural identity such as clothe, language etc. But be as I presuppose, there would be no different between eahc country.So would this lead to the lost of national identity? So how would this effect us ,in good way or bad way? I woild like to leave this question, partly unsolved.