Multicultural Education in America-

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Multicultural Education in America- America has long been called "The Melting Pot" due to the fact that it is made up of a varied mix of races, cultures, and ethnicities. As more and more immigrants come to America searching for a better life, the population naturally becomes more diverse. This has, in turn, spun a great debate over multiculturalism. Some of the issues under fire are who is benefiting from the education, and how to …

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…-204. Hassinger, Robert. "True Multiculturalism." Commonweal 10 April 1992 : 10-11. New York State Social Studies Review and Development Committee Multicultural Education Benefits All Students." Education in America - Opposing Viewpoints. CA : Greenhaven, 1992. 144-150. Pyszkowski, Irene S. "Multiculturalism - Education For The Nineties; An Overview." Education Vol. 114 No. 1 : 151-157. Ryan, Francis J. "The Perils of Multiculturalism : Schooling for the Group."Educational Horizons 7 Spring 1993 : 134-8. Stotsky, Sandra. "Acedemic vs. Ideological Education in the Classroom." The Education Digest Mar. 1992 : 64-6.