Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace for COMM215 at University of Phoenix

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Multicultural Diversity in the Workplace COMM215 -------------------------------------------------------- <Tab/>Immigration, civil rights and a growing global economy are just a few reasons for a company to take an interest in improving its approach to cultural diversity. A multicultural workforce can affect teamwork and communications within a large company. As more and more companies become influenced by multicultural workforces, management should pay attention to the needs of its employees. Each employee's diversity should …

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…faith is the answer - religious beliefs in the workplace. HR Magazine. Retrieved April 4, 2005 from Rivera, Carrie T. (2001). Religion in the Workplace - Industry Trend or Event Office Solutions. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from Rossheim, John. Religious Demographics Drive Workplace Changes. Workplace Insights. Retrieved April 2, 2005 from