MultiCulturalism in Canada

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Essay Database > History
Multiculturalism The future of Canada lies in two of it's policies that receive low public and political attention, immigration and multiculturalism. Because of these twin policies, Canada's national identity will change drastically over the next 20 years. In 1967, Canada adopted a more liberal immigration policy that removed discrimination based on race or religion. This was followed in 1971 by the formulation of the Canadian policy of multiculturalism, which placed diversity over assimilation. These two actions form an …

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…In this newfound cultural plurality, encouragement to cultivate one's own cultural identity is found in the appreciation of others'. Identity is found through diversity. How does this identity through diversity work? Culture is truly a gift. The more we share it with each other, the richer our lives will become. The more confident we are in our own, the more we encourage others become confident in theirs.That is the essence of identity through diversity.