Multi Culture High Performance Teams

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In an economy where the only certainty is uncertainty, the one sure means of lasting competitive advantage is knowledge. Successful companies are those that consistently create new knowledge through diverse high performance teams. International and multinational perspectives depend on experience gained from direct contact with one or several other countries and cultures. The wide-ranging nature of projects, coupled with the diverse nature of cultural and ethnic teams, present a major challenge to project managers in …

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…grows faster. Within the minority population there is experience and skills that can help corporate America stay on the cutting edge. References: Boldwell, D High Performance Teams, 1996-2002 Retrieved November 10, 2005, High Performance Teams Website: Haber, G. (2002, Nov. 1). U.S Diversity Requires Diverse Marketing. Tampa Tribune/Tribue Business News. Jacqueline, L. Overcoming Cultural Barriers. Retrieved November 10, 2005, from Northeast Human Resources Association Website: