Muhammad Ali: Consious Objector

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Though Ali won the gold medal that the Rome Olympics in 1960, at the time experts weren't impressed by his boxing skills. His head, eyes wide, seemed to float above the action. Rather than the traditional slipping a punch it was Ali's habit to sway back, bending at the waist. His tactics appalled the experts, the reaction Ali craved. Ali's self-promoting behavior didn't impress any of the experts either. Muhammad wasn't even phased by the negative …

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…unlit saucer with his flaming torch, his free arm trembling visibly from the effects of Parkinson's. It was a kind of epiphany that those who watched realized how much they missed him and how much he had contributed to the world of sport. After Antigone commited suicide, followed by the deaths of Haimon and the Queen, King Creon realized she had been right all along for following her respect and adoration for her late brother.